The Magic Kingdom
Disney fans have nicknamed my book
"the Disney bible."

After my 2nd edition of Discovering The Magic Kingdom came out in 2017, I immediately began working on another book. This one is going to be different from my last two books. For one thing, it will actually be 3 books, possibly 4. Instead of the fun facts of the book focusing on Disneyland and the Animated Disney films, and some live-action films, they will focus on ALL the Disney films. The books will be divided into multiple sections.
The title "Do You Like Disney Fun Facts" is the working title, I might change it before printing.
Volume #1
Marvel (the MCU films)
Lucasfilm (Star Wars/Indiana Jones)
Walt Disney Animation (the animated canon films)
Princess Films (all the princess movies)
Jim Henson (the Henson films from the beginning to the present)
Live-Action (live-action films since Treasure Island)
**bonus only for this book**
Disney Fairies (Tinker Bell movies)
Disney Afternoon
Volume #2
Marvel (the MCU films)
Lucasfilm (Star Wars/Indiana Jones)
Walt Disney Animation (the animated canon films)
Princess Films (all the princess movies)
Jim Henson (the Henson films from the beginning to the present)
Live-Action (live-action films since Treasure Island)
**bonus only for this book**
Studio Ghibli
Volume #3
Marvel (the MCU films)
Lucasfilm (Star Wars/Indiana Jones)
Walt Disney Animation (the animated canon films)
Princess Films (all the princess movies)
Jim Henson (the Henson films from the beginning to the present)
Live-Action (live-action films since Treasure Island)
**bonus only for this book**
Home Video Releases
I am basically writing all three of them at once as one big book and then dividing it into three. The reason why it will be divided is that I can’t make a 1,000-page book. A future 4th volume can be written after new movies come out and new fun facts are discovered for movies already in the first 3 volumes. Each book will be completely different. Example: Volume #1 will have like 103 fun facts for Zootopia (that is the accurate number) while Volume #2 and #3 will also have 103 Zootopia fun facts, but different ones.
This is my current total fun fact count for the 3 volumes. My target is to have about 4,000-5,000 fun facts each in them.
Total fun facts: 10,552 (about 3,517 per book)
(1,239 pages/539,000 words)
As of 10/01/2023
I am hoping to have them all done by 2024-2025. It can be difficult to find time to sit down and write as I am at work 60+ hours a week. Sometimes I feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew. Lol